Friday, March 23, 2018

Wrestling Olympics

The Winter Olympics have come and gone. The eventful 2 weeks got me thinking about something. How awesome would it be if there were pro wrestling in the Olympics? Now before you fanboys start going off and say “Oh, WWE is not a sport. It’s entertainment.” I understand that. I’m not talking about setting it up like WWE. What I would do is set it up like NJPW. As any knowledgeable pro wrestling fan would tell you, NJPW sets up their events and matches with a sport-like feel to it. If somebody were to set up the Olympics with a NJPW feel, I truly feel that it would work. With that being said, I’m sure you’re wondering “Who would be in the field for this monumental event?” Here’s what I’m thinking:

·        USA: For team USA, I have Kurt Angle represent the Red, White and Blue. The younger generation would say John Cena. Again though, this is not entertainment and more importantly, this is not a popularity contest. These wrestlers are in it to win a gold medal. Plus, Kurt Angle is trained to actually mat wrestle which would help in competition.

·        Japan: Team Japan might be a little controversial based on my selection. I would go with Jushin “Thunder” Liger. People in the wrestling business would either say Kenny Omega or Okada. However, with the Olympics, I think you would have to go with actual legends in the wrestling business. In Japan, who’s more legendary than Jushin “Thunder” Liger? I say, no one.

·        Mexico: In my opinion, Rey Mysterio would represent the team south of the border. You could argue that Mysterio is one of if not the most recognizable figures in Mexico. The argumentative wrestler to Mysterio would be Mil Mascaras. Yes, we would want legends to represent each country. However, Mascaras might be too old for the competition.

·        Europe: I would put Europe in one category all together as a continent. Splitting up European countries might be too complicated and tedious. For Europe, Pete Dunn would be my choice to wrestle for them and honestly, he might be my pick to win the whole thing. He’s young. He’s also pretty built. That might get him past Kurt Angle in an Olympic tournament.

That’s the basics of what I would do with pro wrestling in the Olympics. How would you set it up? Which countries would you include, if any and why? Who would represent those countries? Comment below!