Saturday, June 18, 2011

Misguided Anger

                I'll be honest. I don't like the NBA. Ever since the lockout happened in the 98-99 season, I feel the game has lost some of its luster. I'm more of a MLB guy. I love anything and everything about the Cleveland Indians. In fact, the one year, my Uncle was shocked at my loyalty when I told him I listened to the first game of Spring Training that year on the radio. With all that being said, when a city acts out of line without merit, I'm the type of person that will call them out on it. I feel certain cities need to be called out on this whole LeBron James issue. New York, Chicago and Cleveland all got their wish. LeBron James lost the NBA Finals last Sunday to the Dallas Mavericks. Joy in mudville. The joy is justified, right? WRONG! Let me give you a little scenario. Guy meets girl. Both fall in love with each other. Couple stays together for 6 years. Everything's great within the relationship. One day, guy sees another girl somewhere. He starts talking to her. Finds out she has everything her current relationship is lacking and  more. After weighing the pros and cons, guy breaks up with long time girlfriend to pursue what he feels is a better relationship. Girl is devastated. What does she do? She nitpicks everything that he does every time she sees him or hears of him being happy or having a good time. This nitpicking is even though when they were together, she thought everything he did was cute no matter how immoral or classless it is. Then, when she finds out something bad happens to him, she says things like "Good for him." He deserves it." Meanwhile, she's still single and is now jaded and bitter. Sound familiar? EXACTLY. This is exactly how the Bulls, Cavs and Knicks are acting. They are all bitter because LeBron James did more this past NBA season. Now again, if you have read my previous posts, you know that I am not a LeBron sympathizer. I think it's horrible what he did to the city of Cleveland. The fact is that if LeBron did this in any other city, that city would think nothing of his antics. If Chris Bosh, Dwayne Wade and LeBron would have had that pre-season celebration in any of those three other cities, that city would have been excited and would have celebrated right along with them. If Wade would have coughed during the Finals while playing for Cleveland, Cavs fans would have thought it was cute. Guaranteed. All this comes down to is nothing more than misguided anger. The cities that James snubbed on July 8th, 2010 are simply angry because the "Big 3" aren't doing these childish antics in their town. Conversely, if they were doing these things in any of the other cities, Miami would be just as angry as the other cities are now, if not more. If people wanted to root against LeBron, they should have done it from day 1 when ESPN was foaming at the mouth over him in the St. Vincent St. Mary's gymnasium. Now it's simply too late. Don't boo him now. Don't root against him now. Simply try and make your team better to keep these 3 superstars out of the Finals. That and only that will be the best revenge possible. Now since that topic is laid to rest, I simply have one question. Are you in the Tribe?


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